The AC Locomotive Group

89001 pan up on the test track at Loughborough89001 pan up on the test track at Loughborough

On 3rd July 2024, for the first time in 25 years, 89001 ‘Avocet’ took power on all 6 traction motors, as well as completing all required 25 kV commissioning tests - meaning the first major part of the project is now complete.

The next step is to move 89001 to the Locomotive Services Group depot at Crewe for driver training and EMC testing. These will be conducted on the depot: there is a considerable amount of work still to be done until 89001 is given the green light for mainline operation.

We are very grateful to UK Rail Leasing for their work on 89001, and the provision of facilities, during the locomotive's extended stay at Loughborough; and also to DEU for the safety systems installation.

Please click on the YouTube link to see footage of 89001 alive again.